शनिवार, १ फेब्रुवारी, २०१४

Its Telegram Vs. WhatsApp now

New messaging app on play store and its Telegram. At first, I thought it is copy of WhatsApp, but it's not. Some features i liked the most about Telegram are end to end encryption, fast sending/receiving of messages i.e. it's speed, self destruction of messages on both devices which not left any traces of messages on their servers. Unlike WhatsApp here one can send data upto 1 GB(it can be mp3,videos,documents,pdf's etc.) and group size of 100 people. Unique idea of this app is it's cloud based, so that one can access data from multiple devices.
Only time will tell which is the best messaging app, whether it is Telegram or WhatsApp?

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

हरवलेला तळमजला!!!

आज रविवार, १० मार्च २०१९. सकाळी सकाळी  व्हॉट्सऍपवर एक मस्त मेसेज आला. तो पोस्ट करत आहे. हरवलेला  तळमजला!!! श्री.अमुकमुक, अमुक बिल्डिंग, तळ...